03.03. to 05.03.2023
The Eastern part of Germany has a lot to offer in many respects, for us divers specifically old opencast mines and quarries. After reunification, many went out of operation, the pumps were switched off, and they ran full of water.
We want to explore to of them during this weekend: Lake Cospuden with its large underwater forest and the Great Amelshainer, which is small and picturesquly located in the forest.
Especially with scooters the forest in the Cospudener See is a lot of fun. A maximum depth of 30 m and many partly dense trees let you literally fly through the treetops.
The Amelshainer is a bit more rustic and is well hidden in the forest. An old GDR base at the lake provides the necessary landing place. In the lake itself there is all kinds of life from big pike to lots of small fish. In addition, steep walls, an old car and other things from the open pit mining era wait to be explored.
Number of participants (available / min / registered): 10 / 4 / 0
Guide: Thomas Strozyk
Costs: Ca 250 EUR
Included in the price: Planung, Organisation und Tourenleitung
Exclusive of:
Hotel pro Person / Nacht ca. 80€
Tauchgang pro Person ca. 15€ (Basisgebühr vor Ort)
Bootstauchgang “Wald” zuzüglich 10€
Deadline for registration: 15. Februar 2023
Zoom info night: 05.02.2023 17Uhr
Requirements: Fundi
Difficulty: leicht bis mittel
Getting there / accomodation:
Die Anfahrt erfolgt von Hamburg nach Leipzig, ca 4 Stunden mit dem Auto.
Wir übernachten in einem einfachen Hotel, Doppelzimmer mit Frühstück, in der Nähe der Tauchplätze. Gegen Aufpreis wird auch Einzelzimmer möglich sein.
Je nach Wetter und Schwierigkeitsgrad werden wir 2 – 3 Tauchgänge pro Tag machen.
Ankunftstag ist Freitag, erste Tauchgänge am Freitag Nachmittag / Abend und der letzte Tauchgang am Sonntag mittag.
Minimum number of participants 4.
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