Scooter an der Leine

Also this weekend, we braved wind and rain, but nothing kept us from a few good dives in top visibility conditions.

We didn’t hit the forest in the Cospudener not quite as expected, the visibility was also a little worse this time, but who complains at 20m and more 😁.

There was also fantastic visibility in the Kulkwitzer, a shoal of carp was churning around the lake, but disappeared when we arrived. They are used to more divers in the summer and can then be observed in a relaxed manner. The two large scaffolds in the lake make for a lot of fun when scooting across the struts.

On Sunday, we had actually planned to dive into the large Amelshainer, but – as typical for us… we changed our plans on the spur of the moment 😇… In the evening, while enjoying a cosy meal at the Italian restaurant, we decided to visit a little regional insider tip.

And it was worth it. Good visibility at a spot that is not officially dived and not openly communicated (and it will stay that way 😉). Old buildings, remnants from open-cast mining times and a big pike offered plenty of photo opportunities.

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