We always want to offer you something new, exciting and enjoyable. Tours that are otherwise not on offer. That’s why we travelled to Svendbørg, Denmark, last weekend.
I visited a few dive sites on the southern edge of Funen and on Langeland and met up with partners for the tours. Thanks to Rødme Dyk for the support 🙂
The “flop” first: I’ve had the “Ærøesund” ferry, which was sunk there for divers a few years ago, on my list for a long time. So we travelled by DPV from Ballen beach to the ferry and took a closer look.
The not particularly fortunate positioning of the wreck has ensured that the tides in the Belt have brought in a lot of silt over the years. Most of the rooms are full of sand and silt and penetration is hardly possible. This means that the wreck, which has already been gutted, is no longer really exciting and unfortunately not worthwhile.
But of course there were also positive things. Tue, our skipper on the way to the wrecks off Langeland, had a really good hand and took us, among other things, to “M36”, an old German minelayer that was sunk by an RAF aircraft. The wreck, which lies at a depth of 27 metres, is almost upside down, but still has a lot to offer and can be penetrated by experienced divers.
All in all, it was a worthwhile trip and the planning for an “official” tour there is underway. Of course, we only go to the most rewarding dive sites.
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